MCQ of Ancient Indian History
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Ancient Indian History:
Ancient Indian history is one of the most interesting topic in social sciences studies among the students , researchers , scholars and other general people. In real sense, we can able to know various facts about ancient Indian history by the various sources like- literary , archaeological, foreign and indigenous accounts etc.
From the exam pointy of view , ancient Indian history has played a very important and crucial role . By and large , short or long questions are often asked by the various examination board to check the knowledge and wisdom as well as their application in day to day life by asking various question on legacy, thoughts, importance of ancient Indian history.
Therefore, here are some most important question are post below for the understanding and improve knowledge of Ancient Indian history to better performance in examination. These are ------
Q: The word 'Hindu' as reference to the people of Hind (India) was first used by ?UPSC -1995
(a) The Greeks (b) The Romans
(c) The Chinese (d) The Arabs
Answer: The Arabs
Q: Who among the following was a Brahmavadini who composed some hymns of he Vedas? UPSC-1995
(a) Lopamudra (b) Gargi
(c) Leelavati (d) Savitri
Answer: Lopamudra
Q: The River most mentioned in early Vedic literature is..? UPSC- 1996
(a) Sindhu (b) Sutudri
(c) Saraswati (d) Ganga
Answer: Sindhu
Q: The Concept of Anuvrata was advocated by ? UPSC-1995
(a) Mahayana Buddhism (b) Hinayana Buddhism
(c) Jainism (d) The Lokayata School
Answer: Jainism
Q: The Name by which Ashoka is generally referred to his inscription is..? UPSC- 1995
(a) Chakravorti (b) Dharmakriti
(c) Dharmadeva (d) Priyadarsi
Answer: Priyadarsi
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