General sciences is a part and parcel of any preparation  of competitive exam and its importance cannot be ignore. Hence, various day to day happing on general science's  questions are asked by the examiner in various competitive exam to measures general awareness of a candidate . Therefore , some  question are listed below for preparation--

Q. Magnetism in Material is due to ---

    (i) Electron at rest

    (ii) Circular Motion of electrons

    (iii) Proton at rest

    (iv) all neutron at rest

Answer: Circular motion of electrons.

Q." Short -Sight" in human eye can be corrected by using proper --

    (i) Convex lens

    (ii) Concave lens

    (iii) Cylindrical lens

    (iv) Biofocal lens

Answer: Concave lens

Q. what are the reason for twinkling of Stars ?

    (i) Disperson of Light

    (ii) Total Internal Reflection

    (iii) Atmospheric reflection 

    (iv) Atmospheric refraction

Answer: Atmospheric refraction.

Q. Aluminum can be purified by -

    (i) Oxidation

    (ii) Distillation

    (iii) Electrolysis

    (iv) Ozonolysis

Answer: Electrolysis

Q. Impure camphor is purified by-

    (i) Sublimation

    (ii) Fractional crystallisation

    (iii) Fractional distillation

    (iv) Steam distillation

Answer: Sublimation.

Q. Greenhouse effect is caused by -

    (i) Nitrogen

    (ii) Carbon dioxide

    (iii) Carbon Monoxide

    (iv) Nitrogen dioxide

Answer: Carbon dioxide.

Q. Type of Metal used in printing press is an alloy of-

    (i) Lead & copper

    (ii) Lead & antimony

    (iii) Lead & bismuth

    (iv) lead & zinc

Answer: Lead & Antimony

Q: Sour taste of Coca Cola is due to the presence of -

    (i) Acetic acid

    (ii) Phosphoric acid

    (iii) Hydrochloric acid

    (iv) formic acid

Answer: Acetic acid.

Q. Tamiflu is a frontline drug against -

    (i) Bird flu

    (ii) Cancer

    (iii) AIDS

    (iv) Polio

Answer: Bird flu

Q. Why excessive heating and repeated use of cooking oil are most undesirable?

    (i) The oil Vapours can cause indoor pollution

    (ii) Carcinogenic substances like benzpyrene are produced

    (iii) Nutrient value of food is lost

    (iv) lose and wastage of oil

Ans: Nutrient value of food is lost

Q. Which one of the following planets has no moon-?

    (i) Mars

    (ii) Neptune

    (iii) Mercury 

    (iv) Pluto

Ans: Mercury

Q. The standard time of India is-

    (i) 5.30 hrs ahead of GMT

    (ii) 4.30 Hrs ahead of GMT

    (iii) 4 hrs ahead of GMT

    (iv) 5.30 behind GMT

   Answer: 5.30 Hrs ahead of GMT

Q. The earth rotates on its axis at an inclination of -

    (i) 23, 1/2 Degree

    (ii) 22, 1/2 Degree

    (iii) 21, 1/2 Degree

    (iv) 20 Degree

Answer: 23. 1/2 degree

Q.   The seeds of certain plants fail to germinate if they do not pass through the digestive tract of fruit -eating birds. This is due to -

    (i) Hibernation

    (ii) seed coat impermeability

    (iii) vegetative reproduction

    (iv) infertility

Ans: Seed coat Impermeability

Q: Sucrose content in sugarcane decreases if-

    (i) If high rainfall occur during the period of growth of the plant

    (ii) if frost occurs during the period of ripening

    (iii) if there is fluctuation in temperature during the period of growth of the plant

    (iv) if there is high temperature during the time of ripening

Ans:  If high rainfall occur during the period of growth of the plant

Q. In man , the normal chromosome is-

    (i) 42

    (ii) 44

    (iii) 46

    (iv) 48

Ans: 46

Q. Which of the following produces more severe burns?

    (i) Boiling water

    (ii) Steam

    (iii) hot water

    (iv) melting iceberg

   Ans:- Steam

Q. The sudden fall of atmospheric pressures indicate-

    (i) Fair weather

    (ii) Storm

    (iii) Rain

    (iv) cold Weather

Ans: Storm 


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